Snoring is an indication that your airway has narrowed. This limits the amount of OXYGEN to your body. Lack of OXYGEN during sleep will increase your risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, weight-gain, sexual dysfunction, heart attack and other related issues. Take this quick assessment below to see if you may be at risk.
What does sleepiness from Sleep Apnea and Low Oxygen Levels have in common?
Lack of OXYGEN may KILL you!
When you snore, your body is fighting for oxygen to survive. Lower oxygen levels in your blood leads to extreme fatigue during the day, morning headaches, poor concentration and even depression at first. The longer you suffer from Sleep Apnea, the higher your risk for premature death and chronic illness. Click below to find out more:
Too many deaths are directly related to a little known root-cause called “Sleep Apnea”. Snoring is the result of a narrowed airway, reducing the amount of oxygen breathed in while you sleep. Our simple assessment below will help determine your level of risk. Clicking below may save your life: