Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

Every so often, you cannot enjoy an uninterrupted and peaceful sleep due to a busy work routine. But having a poor sleep routine does not fall into the category of hygiene. Sleep hygiene means setting up a routine and environment that promotes undisturbed and consistent sleep.

A stable sleep schedule significantly helps develop positive habits and an undisrupted routine. Building a stable routine can gear a positive impact \on your sleep patterns so that you wake up well-rested.

Why is sleep hygiene so important?

Your physical as well as mental health plays a huge role in improving the quality of life. All this comes from steady sleep hygiene. Poor sleep is everyone’s problem these days, which can only be enhanced by sleep hygiene.

If you create positive habits and cut off negativity from your routine, you will automatically reinforce sleep hygiene in your life.

An advantage of sleep hygiene is that both your habits and surrounding environment are bound by it, thus automatically developing a regular and better quality sleep cycle.

Insomnia is very common among people and affects their mental health adversely. Public health strategy has now involved sleep hygiene as a part of the routine to improve sleep habits.

Practicing Sleep Hygiene:

Sleeping well regularly is the main purpose of sleep hygiene. You can feel more relaxed by creating a pre-bed routine and a comfortable environment in your room. Here are some tips to make your sleep uninterrupted.

  1. Setting up sleep schedule: After a long hectic day, your body and mind deserve to rest. The things that you can include in sleep schedule include:
    • Make time for waking up early: Whether it is a working day or weekend, try not to wake up late because fluctuations in waking up can disrupt the flow of peaceful sleep.
    • Make sleep your priority: Despite any busy work routines, do not compromise your sleep for work. Make a fixed time to go to sleep and continue sleeping at that fixed time.
    • Don’t take naps: To regain energy, you can take naps during the daytime, but remember that naps can disturb your sleep cycle at night.
  2. Setting up a pre-bed routine: Pre-bed routine is an important factor because it decides your sleep. A nightly routine will make it easy for you to fall asleep. A pre-bed routine includes:
    • Stick with the routine: Brushing your teeth and changing clothes is an indication to your mind that it’s sleep time. Therefore, do not disturb this flow of your routine.
  3. Make 30 minutes for yourself: Make some time to cheer yourself up out of a hectic routine. You can relax but listen to your reading your favorite book, listening to calming music, or even meditating.
  4. Adopt healthy habits: It is not just about the bedtime routine; building a positive attitude in every prospect is also mandatory for inner peace. Remaining physically active, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and quitting smoking lead you towards a healthy life.

Add these habits to your life routine, and soon you’ll see positive results in your sleep.

